Questions and Answers

All questions we receive regularly from our customers are covered in our Help Center pages, and you can browse through different categories to find the topic you are looking for or using the form below please ask your question.

Our Service Q&A
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1 answer(s)
If you ever go out of business or stop offering your service then do I lose all the content reviews ...
1 answer(s)
How do you approve the reviews that have been submitted?
1 answer(s)
what is the mathematical model of the system?
1 answer(s)
Is there any option to be notified by email when you have ratings to approve?
1 answer(s)
I see you have changed your system to include email and name in the rating box. Are these mandatory ...
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On this page, you can get technical answers about how to use our rating system or send us comments about our system and your experience of using it.

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