How do I get started?

Getting started with your Rating & Review System is fast and easy!

Please, check our User Guide.

  • Apply online

  • Log into your account, create your Rating & Review box and/or Q&A Box

  • Copy and paste a block of HTML into your website.

  • Rating & Review box and/or Q&A box will then start showing on your site.*

  • All Reviews must be approved (moderated) before showing on your site.

  • All Questions and Answers will be showing on your site without delay or approval.

* Please check your Ratings & Reviews and Q&A reports.

Using our web builder you can customize your widget images, icons and skins, change fonts and include special features.
As you’re building your ratingbox, you can preview it, to see how it will function as a live app. If the default customization tools are not sufficient, users can also customize it for you to match your website look and feel but customization is not required to get your rating system from ground to launch.

Our flexible ratings system allows you to embed unobtrusive ratings widgets anywhere you want them.

Getting Started

Create a free account to begin using the online rating system.
Everything is accomplished by logging into your registered account.
Paid subscriptions provide access to the premium features and additional options.
Step 1: Create your account by clicking on the [SIGN UP NOW] button located on the homepage.
Step 2: You are prompted to enter a Company name, Email(it is you unique username) and password to create an account.
After an account is created - you will be redirected to "Create New Rating Box" page, you can always return to that page under the Setup > Create New Rating Box.
NOTE: The password field is case sensitive.
Once you begin designing your RatingBox on the Setup > Create New Rating Box page.
1. Type the ratingbox Name text into the provided textbox(Use more generic name that can be used for all products in the same category).
2. Type the ratingbox Description text into the provided textbox (Description text will be used for [?] popup tips).
3. Choose to add any of the additional features, e.g., custom questions, set to required fields, etc.
4. Click the [Save] button when you are finished.
5. You will be redirected to the Setup > Active Widgets page, where you can get a code for diffrent widgets styles/modes.
NOTE: We recommend to create one ratingbox per product category and reuse the same widget for all your products in the same category.
Your company administrator/moderator can edit ratings and reviews at any time to correct spelling, add tags, recategorize(future development), or simple re-write a review. To Edit a review or rating, find a review using "Report by date range" report, click the “Edit” icon.
NOTE: All reviews must be approved before listing.
At any time, you can edit or permanently delete ratings and reviews. Deleting a review will not remove all ratings, you need to delete ratings if needed too. Once deleted, a review or ratings cannot be restored. To delete a review or rating, find a review using "Report by date range" report, click the “Delete” icon and confirm the deletion.
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